-- file : Random_Tools.ads -- $Id: random_tools.ads,v 1.1 2008/11/19 12:04:57 baker Exp baker $ -- author : T. Baker, Florida State University -- purpose : generation of random numbers and some frequently used distributions -- ??? Is this still good enough that we want to -- use our own pseudo-random number generation mechanism, instead of the -- standard Ada one? package Random_Tools is M1: constant:= 179; M2: constant:= M1 - 10; subtype Seed_Range_1 is integer range 1 .. M1 - 1; subtype Seed_Range_2 is integer range 1 .. M2 - 1; procedure Start (New_I, New_J, New_K : Seed_Range_1; New_L : Seed_Range_2; Antithetic : Boolean); procedure Backup_Random_State (Data_File: String); procedure Restore_Random_State (Data_File: String); -- get the next pseudo-random value function Random return Float; -- Exponential distribution with mean value m function Exp_Dist (M : in Float) return Integer; -- Poisson distribution with mean value m function Poisson (M : in Float) return Integer; end Random_Tools;