↑ Real Time Systems: Assignments

Assignment: Measuring Gizmo Load


Due Dates and Times:       (See the Course Calendar.)


You are to set up a test framework to measure the execution time demand of another program, using the subtractive method. You will test it using a solution to the gizmo control program,

This is a team assignment. You may work with one or two other people. However, for variety, if you worked in a team on the last assignment you are required to choose a new partner for this one.



  1. (preliminaries) Package up your solution to the gizmo controller assignment and deliver it to me (baker@cs.fsu.edu) in a standard format that can be compiled and used by other students. That is, send me a file gizmo.tgz that anyone can compile and execute using the following sequence of commands:

    mkdir gizmo
    cd gizmo
    tar xvpf ../gizmo.tgz
    make gizmo

    I will post all of these on the course website, each in a separate directory, for everyone in the class to access.

    Before sending it to me, modify the code if necessary, to ensure that it can be used for the time demand measurement experiment you will be doing in step 2 below. Specifically, make certain that:

  2. Write and debug a program named timeit that will measure the CPU load of an executable program that is provided as a command line parameter, and produce a file gizmo.pts containing output that is suitable for input to the gnuplot program, in the format that will be described below. The shell script may call programs that you provide, as well as the program gizmo. You should provide a Makefile so that a person can execute make timeit to build whatever programs are needed in order to execute timeit. That is, one should be able to test a gizmo controller and then view a plot of the processor load by the following sequence of commands in the bash shell:

    mkdir gizmo
    cd gizmo
    tar xvpf ../gizmo.tgz
    make gizmo
    cd ..
    mkdir timeit
    cd timeit
    tar xvpf ../timeit.tgz
    make timeit
    cd ..
    mkdir test
    cd test
    ../timeit/timeit ../gizmo/gizmo
    gv load.eps

    where the file plotload above is the following shell script:

    gnuplot << EOF
    set terminal postscript enhanced eps "Times-Roman" 20
    set data style linespoints
    set output "load.eps"
    set yrange [0:1.1]
    plot \
         "gizmo.pts" using 1:2 title "interference" with lines lt 1 lw 1,\

    The ../timeit/timeit ../gizmo/gizmo step should not take longer than 5 minutes of real time to run.

    The output of timeit should be a text file containing data in two columns, suitable for input to gnuplot, as follows:

    1. value of D (see below)
    2. maximum observed gizmo load over all intervals of length D

    The values in column 1 should be numbers of milliseconds, unique and in increasing order. The values in column 2 should be in the range 0.0 to 1.0, and should be the maximum observed interfering load over several intervals of the length given in the first column.

  3. Use the above to measure the processor load of three or more of the student gizmo controllers posted from step (1) above. Compare your results with other students. Try to understand any differences you see.
  4. Turn in the following:

    1. a print-out of your implementation code for timeit
    2. print-outs of the graphs generated for 3 or more gizmo programs, with the name of the corresponding gizmo controller version (from the class web page)
    3. an electronic copy of the file timeit.tgz above


  1. The program timeit will need to use fork() and exec() calls to run the gizmo program. If you have not used these before, as me for help.

  2. Do not expect to be able to follow the subtractive measurement scheme in the class notes exactly, since this is a slightly different problem. Specifically, I recommend the following variation from the example - with tasks T1 (pink, foreground) and T2 (blue, background) -- in the notes. Task T1 should run at the top realtime (SCHED_FIFO) priority, and task T2

    should run at the next-to-highest priority.
    1. To calibrate T2:
      Let T2 repeatedly read the clock, until fixed amount of clock time has elapsed, counting the number of iterations as it goes. At the end of of the time interval, it divides the length of the interval by the number of iterations to get the average execution time per iteration, A.
    2. To measure the demand of T1:
      Repeat the following, for a series of values D = 1 ms .. 100 ms.
      • Repeat the following, ⌊(1000 ms) / (D)⌋ times. (That is, more iterations for shorter intervals.)
        1. Exec T1
        2. Sleep long enough for T1 to set its priority higher than T2
        3. Repeatedly read the clock, until Di time has elapsed, counting the number of iterations, Ni.
        4. Multiply the iteration count Ni by the average execution time per iteration A computed in step (a) above, and subtract from Di to find the approximate demand of T1 in this sample interval.
        5. Divide the demand computed above by Di, to obtain the load
        6. If this is higher than the previously measured loads for other intervals of length D, record it as the new maximum.
      • Print out the values of D tested and the corresponding maximum load values measured.
  3. Please report progress and problems, so that I can provide advice in time to be of help.

  4. Do not expect a time extension on this assignment. Based on experience with the last assignment, I have already added an extra time margin.


The solutions will be judged primarily on how well they perform, including repeatability of the results. They will also be judged on the simplicity, readability, clarity, and documentation of the implementation code.

T. P. Baker. ($Id$)