Quiz #9

Question 1   True / False (1 points)
  Question: With programmed I/O the processor issues a command to an I/O module and then busy-waits for the operation to be be completed before proceeding.

Question 2   True / False (1 points)
  Question: With direct memory access (DMA) I/O, the I/O device does not interrupt the CPU.

Question 3   True / False (1 points)
  Question: With interrupt-driven I/O, the CPU interrupts the I/O device when it is ready for data.

Question 4   True / False (1 points)
  Question: Direct memory access (DMA) I/O can "steal" memory cycles from the CPU, which can cause the CPU to run slower than if there were no DMA I/O going on.

Question 5   Multiple Choice (1 points)
  Question: On a moveable head disk system, the amount of time it takes to position the head at the track is called the _______.
    rotational delay
access time
data transfer time
track selection delay
head positioning delay
seek time
none of the above

Question 6   Multiple Choice (1 points)
  Question: On a moveable head disk system, the amount of time it takes for the beginning of the sector to reach the head, once the head is positioned on the track, is called the ________.
    rotational delay
access time
data transfer time
head positioning delay
track selection delay
none of the above

Question 7   Multiple Answer (1 points)
  Question: Which of the following generally takes the shortest time?
    data transfer from disk drive, after head is in position
moving head to the proper track
waiting for disk to rotate the proper sector under the head
defragmenting a filesystem
checking the consistency of a filesystem

Question 8   Multiple Choice (1 points)
  Question: Suppose a series of disk I/O requests has been made, for tracks 125, 25, 150, and 50 (in that order), and the head is currently serving a request at track 60, having moved there from track 10. What is the order the four pending requests would be served by the SCAN algorithm?
    125, 25, 150, 50
50, 25, 125, 150
125, 150, 50, 25
125, 150, 25, 50
25, 50, 125, 150
150, 125, 50, 25

Question 9   Multiple Choice (11 points)
  Question: Suppose a series of disk I/O requests has been made, for tracks 125, 25, 150, and 50 (in that order), and the head is currently serving a request at track 60, having moved there from track 10. What is the order the four pending requests would be served by the C-SCAN algorithm?

    125, 25, 150, 50
50, 25, 125, 150
125, 150, 50, 25
125, 150, 25, 50
25, 50, 125, 150
150, 125, 50, 25

Question 10   Multiple Choice (1 points)
  Question: Suppose a series of disk I/O requests has been made, for tracks 125, 25, 150, and 50 (in that order), and the head is currently serving a request at track 60, having moved there from track 10. What is the order the four pending requests would be served by the SSTF algorithm?

    150, 125, 50, 25
50, 25, 125, 150
125, 150, 50, 25
125, 150, 25, 50
25, 50, 125, 150
150, 125, 50, 25

Question 11   True / False (1 points)
  Question: The SSTF disk scheduling policy minimized the average seek time over a number of arm movements.

Question 12   True / False (1 points)
  Question: The N-step-SCAN and the FSCAN disk scheduling algorithms both group requests into batches, and bound the variation in wait times by applying FIFO ordering between batches.

Question 13   True / False (1 points)
  Question: Several forms of RAID provide improvements in data throughput rate, between disk and memory.

Question 14   True / False (1 points)
  Question: Several of the forms of RAID can tolerate failure (loss) of an entire single disk drive without loss of data.

Question 15   Matching (1 points)
  Question: Match each of the types of RAID with the descriptive phrase that fits it best.
  Match Question Items
  1. RAID 0
  2. RAID 1
  3. RAID 2
  4. RAID 3
  5. RAID 4
  6. RAID 5
  7. RAID 6
Answer Items
A. can tolerate two disk failures
B. block-interleaved parity, single disk bottleneck
C. redundant, doubles number of disk drives
D. non-redundant, only gains performance
E. redundant via Hamming code, single-disk bottleneck
F. redundant via bit-interleaved parity, distributed parity
G. block-interleaved parity, distributed parity

Question 16   Fill in the Blank (1 points)
  Question: What is the value of the expression "(A xor B) xor A",
where A is the bit string 1010 and B is the bit string 1100?

Question 17   Multiple Choice (1 points)
  Question: Why would the LRU replacement algorithm be more practical for disk cache management than for virtual memory page replacement?
    disk accesses exhibit more locality of reference
memory is always getting cheaper
there is more time between disk I/O requests than between page references
there is more time between page references than between disk I/O requests
none of the above; it is not more practical

Question 18   Multiple Choice (1 points)
  Question: Which of the following is true of disk caching?
    the content of disk blocks is hashed to find the block in the cache
the device number and logical block number are hashed to find the block in the cache
the buffer address is hashed to find the block in the cache
the search time to find out whether a block is in the cache is O(n)
the search time to find out whether a block is in cache is O(log n)
the search time to find out whether a block is in cache is O(sqrt(n))

Question 19   True / False (1 points)
  Question: For disk cache management, LRU is the most commonly used policy.

Question 20   True / False (1 points)
  Question: With a disk cache, improved performance can be achieved by writing out batches of sectors that are located close together on the disk (and freeing the cache slots), rather than waiting to write out a sector when a cache slot is actually needed.

Question 21   True / False (1 points)
  Question: LRU always outperforms frequency-based replacement policies, for disk caching.

Question 22   Multiple Choice (1 points)
  Question: Which of the following is most similar in function to a disk cache, to the point that the OS is likely to combine the implementations into a single subsystem?
    translation lookaside buffer
memory cache
file system
database system
virtual memory