Quiz #10

Question 1   Multiple Answer (1 points)
  Question: In Unix, if a file has permission bits ---rw-r-- (064),
which of the following is allowed to read it?
    the user that owns it
the members of the group that owns it
all users
all users not equal to the user that owns it

Question 2   Multiple Choice (1 points)
  Question: The main reason for adding an index to a sequential file is
    faster random access, via key field
faster hashing
reduced storage fragmentation
records may be variable in length
reduced file size

Question 3   Multiple Choice (1 points)
  Question: The term "pile" is used to describe a file that has
    fixed length records, with no index
fixed length records, with an index
variable length records, fixed set of fields, with no index, sorted by key
variable length records, with index
variable length records, variable set of fields, with no index, in chronological order

Question 4   Multiple Choice (1 points)
  Question: Which of the following is not true of both the Windows 2000 NTFS filesystem "file record" and the traditional Unix filesystem "inode"?
    it is identified by a number, corresponding to the position in a list (array) of like structures contained within the filesystem
it may contain links to variable-length extents of logically contiguous disk blocks
each file has exactly one
it can contain links to non-contiguous blocks of disk storage
it has a fixed size, the same for all files
it is kept on disk, and also cached in main memory

Question 5   Multiple Choice (1 points)
  Question: Which of the following is a difference between the Windows 2000 NTFS filesystem "file record" and the traditional Unix filesystem "inode"?
    the file record contains the filename; the inode does not
the file record contains the file timestamps; the inode does not
the inode contains the filename; the file record does not
the inode contains file timestamps; the inode does not
the file record contains the file access permissions; the inode does not
the inode contains file access permissions; the inode does not

Question 6   Multiple Choice (1 points)
  Question: Which of the following is also called a "direct file" in the text?
sequential file
indexed sequential file
indexed file
hashed file

Question 7   Multiple Choice (1 points)
  Question: Which of the following is true of both Windows 2000 NTFS "file records" and traditional Unix "inodes"?
    the content is organized in terms of attribute streams
it contains a fixed number (each) of direct, indirect, doubly indirect, and triply indirect links
if it is a directory, it contains an attributed stream that is structured as a B+ tree
it contains a hard link (reference) count
it contains a sequence number, that can distinguish different files that use the same file record or inod

Question 8   Multiple Choice (1 points)
  Question: With the Windows FAT filesystem, a larger cluster size means
    less internal fragmentation
larger disk partitions can be handled
less external fragmentation
more disk I/O operations per cluster
none of the above

Question 9   True / False (1 points)
  Question: Fixed blocking makes more efficient use of disk space than variable-length spanned blocking.

Question 10   True / False (1 points)
  Question: If a process locks a file using the Unix flock() system call, the operating system guarantees that no other process will read or write the file until the same process unlocks the file.

Question 11   True / False (1 points)
  Question: In the Windows NTFS log files are written to a preallocated region of the filesystem, which may fill up.

Question 12   True / False (1 points)
  Question: The Windows FAT-64 file system is an advancement over the Windows FAT-32 file system because it uses write-ahead logging to allow more reliable recovery from system crashes.

Question 13   True / False (1 points)
  Question: The term "blocking" is used with the same meaning in "record blocking" and "process blocking".

Question 14   True / False (1 points)
  Question: The textbook uses the term "disk allocation table" for a bit vector that has one bit per file.

Question 15   True / False (1 points)
  Question: With variable-length spanned blocking may require two disk I/O operations to read a single record.