Personal Links |
- I am an alumnus of the Cornell 6-Year PhD Program.
- I am a member of
Faith Presbyterian Church.
- My wife, Syauchen Chang Baker, after retiring from her careers as Unix system
administrator and software engineer, applied her creativity to several educational iphone applications for toddlers, but is also now retired.
- My daughter Anne Meiling Baker is a graphic artist and creative designer.
- My cousin James Kochalka is a superstar.
- Until 2001, my parents owned a farm in East Lyndon, VT.
I've posted some photos of the farm, before
and after the barn burned down, for nostalgia.
- My father-in-law, Chang Ku-Nien, was an accomplished and well-known traditional Chinese landscape
- My second cousin, Melanie Baker is also an
artist, in New York.
- See also
Some Old Family Photos:
- Mom, Dad, Ted
- Syauchen (1960's)
- family (c1976)
- Ahgoong with Jean (c1978)
- family (c1978)
- family (c1980)
- Anne, Carolyn, and Jean (c1982?)
- Anne, Carolyn, and Jean (c1983)
- Anne, Carolyn, and Jean (c1984?)
- Jean, asleep (1999)
- Jared, Carolyn, Ted, Jean w/Gabrielle Wu Lee's
painting of Wakulla Springs (Summer 1999)
- Robert Baker (Dad) & Suzy Magescas (WWII), a friend
in southern France at the end of WWII, believed to be from Algeria
- Dad talking on phone (September 2001)
- Delos Richard Baker,
father of Frederick Monroe Baker, father of Robert Frederick Baker, father of Theodore Paul Baker.
He seems to have graduated from Welsyean University, in Middleton, CT, in 1872.
Here are the examples of his writings that I have been able to find:
- Delos R. Baker, "What is Gravitation?,
Our Father's Universe -- Continued",
A Candlestick, Vol 1, No 2, March 23 1927
- Delos R. Baker, "What is Gravitation?,
Our Father's Universe, Introductors Chapter -- Concluded,
A Candlestick, Vol II, No 1, September 23 1927
- Delos R. Baker, "An Anglo-American Reunion, From an American Viewpoint,
December 1913
I would like to obtain an put on line copies of his other writings. I have found a reference to
one, called Centripety in free space (an interesting title).
- Delos Richard Baker's birthplace, in Candor, NY
- Georgiana Beecher Baker (1855-1934)-, wife of Richard Delos Baker
and mother of Frederick Monroe Baker, around age 20. (Some more information about her is
posted here.)
- Georgiana Beecher with children, takend c. 1896, at Liberty St. in Delaware, Ohio. Top row, left to right and front to back:
Georgiana, Charlie, Carrie, Ruth, Ted (baby), Dick, Fred (my grandfather), and Earnest.
- Ruth Baker Leonard with daughter Charlotte Leonard and mother Georgiana Beecher
- Left to right, Georgiana Beecher Baker, her father Charles Beecher, George Fox, his daughter Irma, and Nellie Forbes. Nellie married Frederick M. Baker, and bore Robert F. Baker, my father.
- Charles N. Beecher, father of Georgiana Beecher; a grocer from Litchfield, CT.
- C. N. Beecher home in Bridgeport, CT
- Isabelle Cooke Monroe Beecher, mother of Georgiana Beecher
- Ann Abel Beecher, mother of Charles N. Beecher and grandmother of Georgiana Beecher