Ada Examples
Items indicated with (*) can be compiled as main programs.
For example, to compile the scanner test driver, use "gnatmake scantest".
compilation techniques: scanning, recursive descent parsing, tree walking, symbol table
- simple scanner and test driver
- first version of recursive descent parser and evaluator
- same as the above, but with runtime execution trace of all calls and returns
- alternate version of scanner and calculator, as basis for programming exercise
- alternate version of calculator, modified to build abstract syntax tree (AST)
- another version of the above, using controlled type and reference count
for storage recovery
- yet another version of the above, using controlled type and reference count
for storage recovery, but only for the exported type (reduces overhead due to
calls to finalize and adjust)
checkpres.adb an ad hoc tool to create the
Web page listing which student has signed up for which presentation topic and time slot (*)