Parallel Computing: Projects

Please form groups of three or four students each to work on the group project. Give me a hardcopy of a two-page write-up on your project. This should include the project title, the group members, the proposed work, its relevance, and references. Please note the following mentioned in the syllabus: "Your work should be of sufficient quality and quantity for it to be accepted in at least a mediocre conference, such as Europar or ICCS. You may want to read some best papers from conferences such as IPDPS or SC, to get an idea of good quality work. While your work may differ from the best ones in quantity, the quality of your work and presentation should be high.."

The weights for different components of the project will be as follows:

Deliverable Due Weight
Project topic/abstract Feb 16 5
Project progress report Mar 16 10
Project talk and report Apr 17 - 19 15
Project code and other work Apr 20 65
Some topics are suggested below. You can also choose others. Please discuss the topic with me before taking a final decision.

Last modified: 1 Mar 2007