CIS5930-02 High performance computing for scientific applications
Spring 2003, 3 Credit hours
Instructor: Ashok Srinivasan
Office hours: TF 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm, or by appointment.
Location: 169, Love Building
Phone: 644-0559, Email:
Course web site: Access through blackboard |
Lecture hours: MW 3:35 pm - 4:50 pm, LOV 103
Text book: Parallel Programming in C with MPI and OpenMP, M.J. Quinn, McGraw-Hill publishing, manuscript (for use in this course only).
Reference books:
- Designing and Building Parallel Programs, by Ian Foster. Available
on-line at:
- Parallel computer architecture -- A hardware/software approach, D. E. Culler and J. P. Singh, Morgan Kaufmann, 1999.
- Using MPI -- Portable parallel programming with the Message-Passing Interface, second edition, W. Gropp, E. Lusk, and A. Skjellum, The MIT press, 1999.
You should be
comfortable programming in C (alternatively, expertise in Fortran
may be acceptable, if you are willing to work hard and learn to at
least "read" C) and have good knowledge of basic linear algebra. No
prior knowledge of parallel computing is assumed.
Course rationale:
This course is meant for graduate students in Computer Science,
Engineering, Mathematics, and the sciences, especially for those who
need to use high performance computing in their research. This course
will teach practical aspects of high performance computing, on both
sequential and parallel machines, so that you will be able to
effectively use high performance computer in your research.
Course objectives:
You will get practical experience in obtaining good performance in
sequential and parallel environments. By the end of the course, you
should be able to optimize the performance of your code on sequential
and parallel machines, and program in the message passing paradigm
using MPI and in the shared memory paradigm using OpenMP. The
practical aspects will be supplemented with sufficient theory on
parallel algorithms. You will also read papers to get acquainted with
current research on selected topics.
Course description:
Sequential computing: Computer architectural features to support high
performance computing, use of standard libraries, programming
techniques, compiler optimization, exploiting the memory hierarchy,
other algorithmic issues. Parallel computing: parallel machine and
programming models, parallel algorithms, performance models, MPI,
OpenMP. Applications: Numerical linear algebra, Molecular dynamics,
Monte Carlo, etc. Project: You will also work on a project involving
parallel programming. You are encouraged to chose your research
project as the topic, if you are already involved in research.
Grading criteria:
Class participation |
5 |
Project |
20 |
Paper presentation |
10 |
Homework assignments |
15 |
Midterm |
25 |
Final Exam |
25 |
Your grade will be based on the scores obtained in the above
categories, with weights as given above.
Course average |
Letter grade |
90 - 100 |
A |
87 - 90 |
A- |
80-87 |
B |
70-80 |
C |
60 - 70 |
D |
0 - 60 |
F |
- Attendance
- While you will not be explicitly graded for attendance, you
will be graded for class participation, and you will need to attend class
in order to participate in it!
Course policies:
- Deadlines: If your assignment is late, you will get a 20%
reduction in points for up to one day late (ignoring weekends and
university holidays), and 30% more for each subsequent day. Please do
not depend on our watches being exactly synchronized; do submit a few
minutes early. A submission that is late by 1 minute will
still get the entire 20% penalty! (In order to help you deal with
emergencies, your first late submission will be excused from the 20%
penalty, provided it is not late by more than one working day.)
- Cheating: You should not collaborate with anyone in any way
while working on assignments. Copying others' homework, replacing variable names in
their code with different names, altering indentation, or making
modifications to others' code, and submitting it as your own will all
be considered forms of cheating.
Students are expected to uphold the academic honor code published in
"The Florida State University Bulletin" and the "Student
Handbook". Please read the provisions of the Academic Honor Code: Also
read the section on "Honor code" below.
- ADA: Students with disabilities needing academic
accommodation should (1) register with and provide documentation to
the Student Disability Center, and (2) bring a letter to the
instructor indicating the need for accommodation and what type. This
should be done during the first week of class. This syllabus and other
class materials will be made available in alternative format upon
Honor code:
- Plagiarism is "representing another's work or any part thereof, be it
published or unpublished, as one's own. . . . For example, plagiarism
includes failure to use quotation marks or other conventional markings
around material quoted from any source" (Florida State University
General Bulletin 1998-1999, p. 69). Failure to document material
properly, that is, to indicate that the material came from another
source, is also considered a form of plagiarism. Copying someone
else's program, and turning it in as if it were your own work, is also
considered plagiarism.
What I expect from the student:
- I am particularly strict about deadlines and following
instructions. Please read instructions carefully, and schedule your
activities so that you submit assignments well in time. You should
check your garnet email account and the class web page
regularly, and note other announcements, on-line and in class.
- I expect you to complete any reading assignments when you come to class, since I will assume you have learned the material.
- You should participate in the class by asking questions, suggesting ideas, etc.
- In exams, I test knowledge, understanding, and creativity. When you learn some topic, you should not just try to understand the material, but also analyze what would happen if some things were different.
Lecture plan:
Dates |
Topic |
Dates |
Topic |
6 Jan - 8 Jan
| Optimizing sequential programs. |
13 Jan - 15 Jan |
Optimizing sequential programs. |
22 Jan
| Introduction to parallel computing. |
27 Jan - 29 Jan |
(i) parallel architectures, (ii) parallel programming models, and (iii) performance analysis. |
3 Feb - 5 Feb
| OpenMP. |
10 Feb - 12 Feb |
Parallel algorithm design. |
17 Feb - 19 Feb
| (i) MPI and (ii) Midterm. |
24 Feb - 26 Feb |
(i) MPI and (ii) parallel linear algebra. |
3 Mar - 5 Mar
| Parallel linear algebra. |
10 - 12 Mar |
No class -- Spring break. |
17 Mar - 19 Mar |
Domain decomposition. |
24 Mar - 26 Mar
| (i) Domain decomposition and (ii) applications. |
31 Mar - 2 Apr
| Applications. |
7 Apr - 9 Apr
| Paper presentations. |
14 Apr - 16 Apr
| Paper presentations. |
21 Apr - 23 Apr
| Project presentations. |
Fri, 2 May |
Final exam, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm. |
Useful links: