Lecture 2

Learning objectives

After this class, you should be able to:

  1. Define the optimization version of vertex cover, and, in particular, cardinality vertex cover.
  2. Give a lower bound on the size of a vertex cover, based on matching.
  3. Describe the approximation algorithm for vertex cover based on matching, prove that its solution is feasible, and that it is factor 2.
  4. Show that the bound on the approximation factor given above is tight.
  5. Show that the size of a maximal matching may be as small as half the size of the vertex cover. (Consequently, it is unlikely that we can develop another algorithm based on maximal matching, which will have a smaller approximation factor.)
  6. Derive lower bounds and approximation algorithms for similar problems.

Reading assignment

  1. Chapter 1, up to (and including) section 1.1.

Exercises and review questions

Last modified: 31 Aug 2011