Learning objectives
After this class, you should be able to:
- Prove the correctness of the MAX-SAT algorithms, and derive the approximation factors for them.
- Explain the randomized and deterministic hybrid algorithms for this problem, and derive their approximation factors.
Reading assignment
- VK: Introduction.
- Prepare for the midterm.
Midterm Review
Approximation algorithms
- Use algorithms: Examples
- Factor 2 greedy algorithm for cardinality vertex cover.
- Factor
greedy algorithm for set cover.- FPTAS for Knapsack.
- Given a linear program, write it in standard form.
- Given a linear program, write its dual.
- Given a set cover or vertex cover instance, formulate it as an integer linear program and give its relaxation. Given a solution to the relaxed version, show the set cover that results from applying the rounding algorithm.
- Primal-dual algorithm for set cover.
- Given an instance of MAX-SAT, show the result from the derandomized factor 1/2 algorithm.
- Theoretical questions: Examples
- Prove approximation factors or the correctness of algorithms that we have discussed.
- Prove approximation factors or correctness of new algorithms that are presented, such as problem 5 in HW 2.
- Give tight examples for new algorithms that you are given.
- Give an algorithm having a specified approximation factor, such as the factor 1/2 approximation algorithm for the acyclic subgraph problem.
- Prove any properties that you are asked to prove!
- Disprove statements, using counter-examples.
- Formulate a specified problem as an integer linear program, such as the Knapsack problem.
- Prove properties of primal and dual, such as the weak duality theorem and complementary slackness conditions.
- Given a randomized algorithm, derandomize it to yield a deterministic algorithm that performs at least as well as the expected behavior of the randomized one.
- You should show steps in questions that ask you to use an algorithm.
- You should justify answers to theoretical questions.
- The exam is closed book and closed notes.
- Use algorithms: ~ 60 %
- Theoretical questions: ~ 40 %
Last modified: 30 Sep 2008