Learning objectives
After this class, you should be able to:
- Describe how a d-dimensional range tree can be constructed, derive the time and space complexity for constructing it, and derive the time complexity for querying it.
- Explain where, in our previous algorithms for range search, we used the assumption that no two points have identical values for the same coordinate.
- Given a set of points, give the equivalent composite points, and draw the range tree corresponding to it.
Reading assignment
- Handout on Orthogonal range searching, sections 5.4 and 5.5.
Exercises and review questions
- Questions on current lecture's material
- Prove, using induction, the time complexity given in CG for constructing a d-dimensional range tree.
- (Post your answer on the discussion board) Give an application of orthogonal range searching.
- Given the following points: P = {(1.1,1.1), (2.1,1.2), (3.1,1.3), (1.2,2.1), (2.2,2.2), (3.2,2.3), (1.3,3.1), (1.2,3.3), (1.3,3.5)}, construct a 2-d range tree using composite points, and show composite range query equivalent to the following query: x = 1.2, x' = 3.15, y = 1.3, y' = 3.3.
- How will you define composite points in three dimensions, how will you define a total ordering on them, and how will you transform a range query to a range query on the composite points?
- Questions on next lecture's material
- None.