Learning objectives
After this class, you should be able to:
- Define the terms: (i) primal program, (ii) dual program, and (iii) integrality gap.
- Given a linear program, construct its dual.
- Explain the implications of the duality theorem.
- Prove the weak duality theorem.
- Prove the complementary slackness conditions.
Reading assignment
- AA: Chapter 12, sections 12.1 and 12.3.
- AA: Chapter 14, up to (and including) section 14.1.
Exercises and review questions
- Questions on current lecture's material
- Give the dual of the linear program in standard form that you obtained in CLR: exercise 29.1-4.
- Give feasible solutions for the primal and dual of the example above, evaluate the objective function for those, and show how they are consistent with the weak duality theorem.
- Give an example of a linear program where the best integer solution has objective value greater than that for the optimal solution.
- Questions on next lecture's material
- Define the set cover and the vertex cover problems.
Last modified: 13 Jul 2004