Lecture 9

Learning objectives

After this class, you should be able to:

  1. Define the terms: best case analysis, worst case analysis, average case analysis, and amortized analysis.
  2. Explain how amortized time complexity analysis differs from average time complexity analysis.
  3. Given an algorithm, give an input in which the best case behavior is observed, and derive its time complexity.
  4. Given an algorithm, give an input in which the worst case behavior is observed, and derive its time complexity.
  5. Given an algorithm and probabilities for possible inputs, derive its average case time complexity.
  6. Given a sequence of operations, derive the amortized time complexity for the sequence of operations.

Reading assignment

  1. Section 2.8 - 2.9 ( pages 65-66 only, for sec 2.9), class notes.
  2. Review material on integration.

Exercises and review questions

Last modified: 23 Sep 2009