Lecture 27

Learning objectives

After this class, you should be able to:

  1. Define a graph (undirected and directed), a vertex/node, and an edge.
  2. Given the figure of a graph, give its set of vertices and set of edges.
  3. Given the set of vertices and set of edges of a graph, draw a figure to show the graph.
  4. Given a graph, show its representations using an adjacency list, and adjacency matrix, and an incidence matrix. Also give the space required for each of those representations.
  5. Given a graph, show the order in which which nodes are visited in the following traversals: (i) depth first search and (ii) breadth first search. Also give the time complexities for the traversals.

Reading assignment

  1. Chapter 8, up to (and including) section 8.2, class notes.

Exercises and review questions

Last modified: 16 Apr 2009