COP 4530 Data Structures, Algorithms, and Generic Programming: Syllabus

COP 4530: Working in a group

We give below desirable and undesirable behavior. It may be helpful for you to review this before each discussion with your group, and also introspect after each meeting to evaluate how you performed. It is based on material prepared by Dr. Cheryl Stratton at ODDL.
Desirable Undesirable What we are judging
Did a full share of the work--or more Did less work than others EQUAL WORK
Took the initiate in helping the group get organized Did not meet partners at agreed times and places EQUAL WORK
Provided many ideas for the group development Seemed bored with conversations by the group EQUAL WORK
Assisted other partners Took little pride in own lesson EQUAL WORK
Work was ready on time or sometimes ahead of time Some work never got completed and other partners completed the assignment, or the assignment did not get completed TIME
Clearly communicated desires, ideas, personal needs, and feelings Never spoke up to express excitement and/or frustration. COMMUNICATION
Expressed frequent appreciation for other group members Group members often wondered, "What is going on here?" COMMUNICATION
Gave feedback to others that did not offend Was openly rude when giving feedback COMMUNICATION
Accepted feedback from others willingly Refused to listen to feedback COMMUNICATION

Last modified: 18 Aug 2003