A spell checking program

Due: 16 Oct 2014

Educational objectives: Experience implementing a self-organizing linked list and solving problems using the above class.

Statement of work: (i) Implement a linked list class that self-organizes as specified below and (ii) implement a simple spell checking program, which is a modification of that in assignment 1, but using the container you implemented to store the dictionary.

Deliverables: Turn in a makefile and all header (*.h) and cpp (*.cpp) files that are needed to build your software. Turn in your development log too, which should be a plain ASCII text file called LOG.txt in your project directory. You will submit all of these as described in www.cs.fsu.edu/~asriniva/courses/DS14/HWinstructions.html.


Sample file and executable: A sample executable and input files are available at ~cop4530/fall14/solutions/proj3 on linprog. Copy these to your directory and run ./Spell test.txt and enter q on the first error message to see a sample output. The first person to find errors in our program will get a bonus point!


  1. Your program should not have any output other than those specified above.
  2. You should not use the STL list class. You may use the string class. Please get my permission before using any other STL feature.

Copyright: Ashok Srinivasan, Florida State University.

Last modified: 30 Sep 2014