A spell checking program

Due: 11 Sep 2014

Educational objectives: Review C++ material that you have learned, such as implementing classes, using templates, I/O, etc. Use of STL classes (which you will learn in Lecture 4) and algorithms. Use of makefiles. Use of a debugger. Use of optimization flags with g++.

Statement of work: Develop a software that uses STL classes and algorithms, such as (linked) list, to implement a simple spell checking program, as described below. You must use at least one templated STL container and use its iterator.

Deliverables: Turn in a makefile and all header (*.h) and cpp (*.cpp) files that are needed to build your software. Turn in your development log too, which should be a plain ASCII text file called LOG.txt in your project directory. You will submit all of these as described in www.cs.fsu.edu/~asriniva/courses/DS14/HWinstructions.html.


Sample file and executable: A sample executable and input files are available at ~cop4530/fall14/solutions/proj1 on linprog. The first person to find errors in our program will get a bonus point!

Bonus points (5):

You may get up to 5 additional points if your code is substantially faster than ours on a large test that we will perform.

Copyright: Ashok Srinivasan, Florida State University.

Last modified: 28 Aug 2014