Predict the Next Play in an NFL Game

Due: 11 Sep 2013

Educational objectives: Review C++ material that you have learned, such as implementing classes, using templates, performing I/O, and command line arguments. Use of STL classes (which you will learn in Lecture 4) and algorithms. Use of makefiles. Use of a debugger. Use of optimization flags with g++.

Statement of work: Develop a software that uses STL classes and algorithms, such as (linked) list or vector, to implement a simple NFL play prediction program, as described below. You must use at least one templated STL container and use its iterator.

Deliverables: Turn in a makefile and all header (*.h) and cpp (*.cpp) files that are needed to build your software. Turn in your development log too, which should be a plain ASCII text file called LOG.txt in your project directory. Also turn in an ASCII file, testing.txt, describing how you tested your code. This file should describe any remaining run time errors in your program. You will lose points for errors that we discover which were not identified by you in the above file. You will submit all of these as described in


Sample file and executable: A sample executable and some example files will later be available in the ~cop4530/fall13/solutions/proj1 directory on linprog. The .csv files are already available there under the NFLData subdirectory. The first person to find an error in our executable will get a bonus point!

Bonus points:

You will get 3 bonus points if your code is faster than our sample executable on some large tests which we will announce after the submission deadline. (Your code should also be correct.)

Copyright: Ashok Srinivasan, Florida State University.

Last modified: 6 Sep 2013