Assignment 4

Due: 9 Nov 2011

Educational objectives:

Statement of work: Implement a generic self-restructuring binary search tree class, using a self-restructuring scheme specified below.




  1. We will test your MDBST class with code that is different from your test.cpp. So it is important for this class to be generic and exactly as specified.

Bonus points (5):

You may get up to 5 additional points for significant extra work, such as providing a GUI interface. Please obtain feedback from us prior to doing this. If you wish to get bonus points, then please submit your work as usual, but send an email to the TA with a cc to me. The TA will schedule a meeting with you, and you can demonstrate the special features of your software then.

Copyright: Ashok Srinivasan, Florida State University.

Last modified: 24 Oct 2011