Assignment 5

Due: 31 Mar 2008

Note: This project has two parts. The first part is a small individual assignment. The second part is a group project.

Part 1 (20 %)

Educational objectives:

Statement of work: Implement a generic self-restructuring binary search tree class, using a self-restructuring scheme specified below.




  1. We will test your MDBST class with code that is different from your test.cpp. So it is important for this class to be generic and exactly as specified.

Part 2 (80 %)

Educational objectives:

Statement of work: (i) Implement a software that uses significant data structures and concepts learned in this class. You are free to choose the application on which you wish to work, but please obtain feedback from me before you start your work.



If you wish to implement nice user interfaces, then some of you may prefer to write code that runs on Windows or Mac machines. In this case, you can bring a laptop on which your code runs in order to demonstrate your software.
Last modified: 5 Mar 2008