Recitation 1
Learning objectives
After this class, you should be able to:
- Describe the course objectives in general terms.
- Describe your responsibilities regarding: following deadlines and instructions, participation, group work, and reading assignments.
- Schedule your activities to accommodate the assignment deadlines and exams.
- Explain different components of the assessment process that contribute to your final grade.
- Explain course policies regarding attendance, missed exams, late assignment, an "I" grade, and professional ethics.
Reading assignment
- Read the syllabus on blackboard. The quiz next week will include material on the syllabus.
- Review material from your C++ course. The review topics are available at
- Section 1.4, up to (and including) sec 1.4.1.
Exercises and review questions
- Exercises and review questions on current lecture's material
- Obtain CS and ACNS computer accounts, if you do not have them already.
- Access the class website using blackboard. Take the survey available under "assignments".
- Access the discussion board for this course, and check any messages there. You may also post messages there.
- What will your grade be if you get 330 points on the assignment portion, and 400 on the rest?
- What will your grade be if you get 350 points on the assignment portion, and 350 on the rest?
- What will your grade be if you get 500 points on the assignment portion, and 500 on the rest?
- What should you do to get 500 points on the assignment portion, and 500 on the rest?
- Where will the office hours for the teaching assistant be held?
- Questions on next lecture's material
- None.
Last modified: 3 Aug 2005