Xin Yuan
Professor Email:
Department of Computer Science Phone: (850)644-9133
Florida State University Fax: (850)644-0058
Tallahasse, FL 32306 Office: 259 James Love Building
- Current Course (Fall 2024): COP4521: Programming Secure Parallel, and Distributed Applications
COP4521: Programming Secure Parallel, and Distributed Applications (F24)
Concurrent, Parallel, and Distributed Programming,
former Advanced UNIX Programming (COP5570) (F01, S04, S05, F06, F07, F08, F10, F13, Su15, S24)
Data Structure, Algorithms and Generic Programming II (COP4530) (F02, S04, S05, S06, S10, F21, F23)
Parallel and Distributed Systems (CDA5125) (S08, S09, F09,F11, S13, S22)
- CIS5930: Software Defined Networking (F16)
- CIS5930: Advanced Topics in Parallel and Distributed
Systems (S14, F15)
- Advanced Networking (CIS5930) (S03, S06, S10)
Computer Networks (CEN5515/CIS4930) (F98, S99, S00, S01,S02,F04, F05)
- CNT5505: Data and Computer Communications (F17)
Advanced Operating Systems (S02)
- Compiler Construction (COP5621) (F00, S08)
Operating Systems (COP4610) (F99, S07, S10)
- Programming Languages (COP4020) (S12, S13, S14)
- Object Oriented Programming in C++ (COP3330) (S13)
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