Name: Prof. Michael Mascagni Address: Department of Computer Science and School of Computational Science Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 32306-4530 USA Offices: 498 Dirac Science Library/172 Love Building Phone: +1.850.644.3290 FAX: +1.850.644.0098 e-mail:
Title: Infrastructure for Parallel, Distributed, and Grid-based Monte Carlo Computations
In this talk we summarize some of our work in creating computational infrastructure to enable Monte Carlo computations in parallel, distributed, and Grid-based environments. We begin with a brief overview of the Scalable Parallel Random Number Generators (SPRNG) Library. This provides high quality pseudorandom numbers in all the above environments. We also discuss quasirandom numbers based on scrambling in this context. We then discuss specific Grid services for Monte Carlo that we recently developed. These services reduce wallclock time and improve the trustworthiness and integrity of Grid-based computations.
This is joint work with Prof. Yaohang Li of North Carolina A&T Univeristy.
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